Mobile-ready blog
The new secret for generating revenue quickly is mobile readiness. Get a blog up and running fast with Flectra. The software assures great compatibility with multiple devices and creates fast and secure blogs that can handle high-traffic scenarios.
Easy sharing
Captivate your audience by sharing your story from anywhere and anytime. Push your boundaries to reach more audiences via easy sharing on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Tumbler, and more. Promote your blog everywhere on social d-flex just with a click of the button!

Feature-rich framework
The blogging framework brings multiple features and tools for you. Comes with in-built in features and tools for advanced customization options like SEO, and so on.
...Including Incredible Features
- Post Management
- Drag & Drop
- Full Text Search
- Image Editing
- Reporting/Analytics
- Search/Filter
- SEO Management
- Survey Builder
- Text Editing
- WYSIWYG Editor
- Audio / Video Support