Appointments made easy for you and your clients
The software synchronizes all your calendars to check availability for a new appointment. Saves you from a double booking situation!
A client can book an appointment online anytime, even after business hours! Embed the meeting links in your email signatures and all the other social d-flex channels and see how your schedule is full and organized in no time!
No client will ever miss an appointment again!
Sends gentle auto-updates and reminders to the clients so that they do not forget about an appointment. Sends a reminder to them to reschedule in advance if they can not make it on the day.
Advanced features
Additional client information : The contact form that a client fills in has all the relevant information about a client, for instance, phone number, email ID, etc.
Daily cap on several meetings : Set the daily meetings to a specific number for each day.
Set buffer time in between two meetings : Use buffers to relax before and after appointments.
Intelligent time zone detection shows you the timezone of a specific invitee.

...Including Incredible Features
- Automated Scheduling
- Calendar Sync
- Confirmation/Reminders
- Online Booking
- Calendar/Reminder System
- Email Management
- Event Management
- Mobile Access
- Reporting/Analytics