Hosting Option

Billing Period

1 Users, All Apps

US $ 0.0

Total / month

US $0.00

Billed annually: US $0.00
Total: US $0.00
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Frequently Asked Questions

Flectra's pricing typically depends on factors such as the number of users, hosting preferences, and any additional customization or support services.

Flectra typically offers user-based licensing, where pricing may vary depending on the number of users accessing the system. Discounts may be available for larger user counts.

Flectra provides both cloud-hosted and self-hosted solutions. Cloud hosting has annual subscription fees, while On-Premise has One Time fees.

Yes, Flectra allows for customization and development of additional modules to tailor the software to your unique requirements. However, customization services may involve additional costs depending on the complexity of the changes.

Flectra aims for transparent pricing, but it's essential to clarify any potential additional costs, such as data migration, training, or integration with third-party applications, before finalizing your purchase.

Billing for Flectra services is typically handled through a subscription model, where payments are made either annually or one time, depending on your chosen plan and preferences.

Flectra Professional Edition = Flectra Community Edition + Flectra Professional Addons + Flectra Professional Edition Support Contract

You can deploy Flectra on your own server or on your own cloud infrastructure or even to your local computer.

A user could be an employee or a manager or a supplier (who has access to Flectra). Visitors Such as clients/customers (portal users) or Flectra website users will not be counted as a user.

One Flectra On Premise License is valid for 1 production database / instance.

Yes, You can switch from cloud hosting to on premise.

We provide functional support and bug fixing services from Monday to Friday during standard business hours.

You can connect with us through live chat or by writing to us